Japanese water therapy is premised on the belief that drinking room temperature water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning will cleanse your gut and provide all manner of health benefits. It also involves regulating and monitoring your meal intake.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

According to Healthline, the therapy includes the following steps that should be repeated daily:

  1. Drink four to five 3/4-cup (160-ml) glasses of room-temperature water on an empty stomach upon waking and before brushing your teeth, and wait another 45 minutes before eating breakfast.
  2. At each meal, eat only for 15 minutes, and wait at least 2 hours before eating or drinking anything else.

Why it may be good for you

While no conclusive scientific studies have been done, proponents of this therapy believe that it helps one to relieve stress while also promoting weight loss and a strong digestive system.

It is also said to boost energy levels by revving up your metabolism.

In line with Ayurvedic practices, drinking water first thing in the morning plays a key role in boosting overall health.

This therapy advocates that cold water is not beneficial to the body because it could slow down the function of the gut which could in turn lead to disease.

Some proponents of this practice even believe that this therapy can cure constipation, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

While this has not been scientifically proven, there is probably no harm in keeping yourself hydrated which may in itself promote better health.

Things to watch for

While hydration is clearly important, it is imperative to stress that there is no conclusive evidence to back up the claims that this therapy can cure illnesses such as cancer, Type 2 diabetes. Sufferers of such diseases must always seek the advice of qualified healthcare professionals.

There is also the possibility of water intoxication or overhydration which can occur when excessive quantities of water are consumed in a short space of time. Overhydration can cause hyponatremia where your blood gets diluted by too much fluid.

While this is rare, given that most healthy people have kidneys that can efficiently get rid of excess water, it remains a risk.

The restrictive eating habits that this therapy promotes could also affect those on a diet plan.

As always, please consult the advice of a healthcare professional before trying this out!

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